Environmental IgE & IgG Allergy Tests and Panels

Inhalant allergy IgE test selection is based on regional allergen prevalence, allergen cross-reactivity, home or occupational exposure with special consideration of symptoms and history.  Individual inhalant allergens include airborne pollens from grasses, trees, and weeds; animal danders, molds, dust mites and occupational allergens are available.

Yeast & Intestinal Immunity Panels

Yeast and intestinal immunity panels are used to help identify the cause of patients suffering from the effects of gut dysbiosis, a disturbance of the gut microbiome.  Microbial dysregulation within the gut is an important contributing factor in a wide range of disorders.  Food sensitivities, environmental toxins, stress, prolonged use of antibiotics and genetic predisposition may contribute to gut dysbiosis.

food sensitivity testing

Food Allergies can have a dramatic impact on your health. Common food allergies such as that of peanuts, milk or chicken can be more easily identified because the body’s reactions to these allergens are immediate. However, some food allergies or intolerances don’t produce symptoms until 2-3 days after they are eaten. Another factor that may complicate a delayed food allergy is the number of foods that may have been eaten may contain 10 or more ingredients. Food allergy testing is crucial at this point, because individuals, parents and health care professionals may have a hard time identifying the culprits.