Natural Healing for Fibromyalgia and Other Autoimmune Diseases
Learn More About How We Can Help you.
Fibromyalgia is an illness that affects your central nervous system. When your musculoskeletal system feels inflamed, you chronically experience widespread tenderness and pain and it affects your mood, your symptoms are likely related to Fibromyalgia. Visit Dr. Villanueva and her team of health coaches for natural healing solutions for Fibromyalgia and other autoimmune diseases.
Find the root cause of your symptoms. Use our simple, online-booking form schedule a virtual appointment today.
Benefits of Holistic Healing
Fibromyalgia is is a medical disease closely related to rheumatoid arthritis. Inherited and environmental factors play a role in triggering the genetic marker for autoimmune disorders.
Non-traditional methods prove quite effective in helping Fibromyalgia symptoms.Pembroke Holisstic approaches Fibromyalgia and other autoimmune diseases with precision. We work to identify the root cause of your symptoms while taking a closer look at different contributors like your: nutrition, genetic makeup, environmental surroundings, and more.
Stress triggers and aggravates symptoms related to Fibromyalgia. So, even if your illness is under control, stress factors out of your control might cause flare-ups to occur.
So, what can you do to minimize your current symptoms and future flare-ups?
Meet regularly with your holistic practitioner for natural help and healing of your symptoms. Pembroke Holistic is available to discuss different techniques, tests, and approaches to healing naturally.
Learn More About How We Can Help you.
Dr Gloria Moreira educates and informs me - she is not only recommending what supplements to take but also teaching about nutrition, detoxing and nutritional deficiency illnesses. I am so glad that I met her, she made the different in my life I feel so much better.
Update, a year already passed since Dr Gloria Moreira is treating me, I lost 25 pounds , and not only that, my brain fog is gone, my thinking is more clear. I can’t find words to describe how happy and grateful I feel About functional medicine, about Gloria, I feel more in control I feel like a new woman!GABRIELA G.
I have been a client of Gloria Moreira for about 3 years. I was very lucky to have found her. I have a thyroid condition, was over 60 pounds overweight, and was depressed. Not only did Gloria provide me with sound scientific advice, but she also worked with me in how to best address my condition. She is a terrific listener, wonderful person and caring professional.
In my late twenties I began to have severe fluctuations in bowl movements, rashes, and hair loss and was told that I had some type of autoimmune disease maybe arthritis maybe lupus. I was immediately placed on all kinds of steroids and immune suppressors and became socially and emotionally sick about being sick. At the same time I was a newly wed and ready to start a family but was advised to stay on birth control that I had already taken all through college for a “cure for bad cramps”. Not once did any of the doctors ask me about my eating habits, stress levels, or exercise regimens. They just gave me more steroids and more follow-up appointments. [‘‘‘] My bowel movements became normal, I stopped grinding my teeth from stress, my rashes subsided, what hair loss? And my doctor could not believe my blood work was normal. He stated I was in “remission” and I could wean off steroids. I was not in remission I was healed.
Virtual Consultations with Our Holistic physician
Healing near and far.
What if there was a better way? How would you feel if you didn’t need to prepare for your visit, deal with the traffic commuting to and from the appointment, and cut out all the waiting time? Think of all the stress magically evaporating from your day.
There is a better way. We offer virtual consultations. Fibromyalgia patients do not need all the extra physical demands involved to see their practitioner. Our virtual consultations are more practical for a person with an autoimmune disorder. We take an entirely new approach to fibromyalgia. Our methods center around you and your best interests. We believe it offers a refreshing alternative to doctor-centered methods.