Patient Testimonials
Although health issues and disease happen to most of us at some time, not everyone knows that there are powerfully healing and natural ways to promote health and prevent disease. By detailing your positive experience in working with Gloria Moreira, L.Ac., you can save others the worry and panic that comes with the loss of health - and help them to find the right natural health solution for their situation as quickly as possible. These comments will be posted from our Feedback Page only with your permission as testimonials.
Root cause
New woman
Plan to Fix
feeling like myself
life without migraines
Doctor Moreira is amazing! I was suffering with heart palpitations for over 12 years with no resolution from the doctors they would just tell me nothing was wrong and ignored the symptoms. I finally reached the end of my rope and looked for a holistic doctor and boy am I glad I did. Doctor Moreira was very thorough she listened and answered all my questions. After my bloodwork she put together a plan of care and let me tell you guys I’m 80-90% symptom FREE after 2 months! I’m so grateful I found a doctor who really got to the root of the issue. Thank YOU! Rosa S.
“Me imagino que mi esposa, le comentó que estamos esperando nuestro bebé (14 semanas), y fue mucho por la ayuda que usted nos brindó. De verdad que muchísimas gracias, le quiero agradecer por toda la ayuda que nos dio.” Alejandro S.
I have been struggling with my digestive system for years, I visited innumerable doctors and specialists, I had have many from routine to expensive tests done, and everything came back normal, which made me feel frustrate, depressed, hopeless, sad, and uncertain about my future health, I heard so many times, nothing it is wrong with you and a few times I was told that I was hypochondriac, stress was provoking all the symptoms, etc., and like usual, I was sent home with pain, sick , with more antacids and painkillers. I lost my trust in conventional medicine, but never gave up my hope of finding a good doctor who really cares about a patient. I started to look at alternative medicine approach, and I can say that I am so thankful to the universe, to god, and to my will to get better, that I found Doctor Gloria Moreira. Six months have passed since Dr Gloria is treating me with supplements, and I can say that my digestive system started to heal and I feel much better my quality of life improved immensely, also the way I feel, sleep, think overall my life went from a 2 to a 8. Besides my GI problems she is treating me for hormones imbalance, and weight loss resistance these last two are work in progress. Dr Gloria Moreira got to the root of my problems and she and I are fixing it, she has so many qualities, she is so patient and understanding, calm and she is knowledgeable about medicine. My goal to accomplish is to loose weight and keep it off and learn how to live a healthy life and pass it on to my family and friends. Dr Gloria Moreira educates and informs me - she is not only telling what supplements to take but also teaching about nutrition, detoxing and nutritional deficiency illnesses. I am so glad that I met her, she made the different in my life I feel so much better.
Update, a year already passed since Dr Gloria Moreira is treating me, I lost 25 pounds , no only that, my brain fog is gone, my thinking is more clear , I can’t find words to describe how happy and grateful I feel about functional medicine, about Gloria, I feel more in control I feel like a new woman! Gabriela G.
"Gloria is amazing. She takes her time with you and will order tests to get to the root of your issues. So refreshing in comparison to western medicine practice where they just give you a pill to mask your pain/issue, but never getting to the root of the cause. This is what Gloria will do for you, get to the root and give you a plan to fix. I highly recommend her and her services. " Olga A.
"I have been a client of Gloria Moreira for about 3 years. I was very lucky to have found her. I have a thyroid condition, was over 60 pounds overweight, and was depressed. Not only did Gloria provided me with sound scientific advice, but she also worked with me in how to best address my condition. She is a terrific listener, wonderful person and caring professional. I'm happy to say I have lost about 35 pounds, I have much more energy, and I am much happier. I still have more to go, but I credit Gloria in facilitating thus journey. I highly recommend her. I am an occupational therapist and I give great value to treating patients as a whole. Gloria practices this philosophy. " Georgia D.
“Puedo decir tantas cosas sobre Gloria y su trabajo, pero trataré de ser breve.
Por recomendación de una amiga, empecé a ir con ella porque yo traía un desbalance hormonal, períodos irregulares, ovarios poliquísticos y prolactina alta; lo cual me estaba impidiendo conseguir lo que yo quería en ese momento que era salir embarazada. Gloria me propuso un plan de alimentación, suplementos, hierbas naturales y acupuntura que me ayudarían a mejorar el funcionamiento de mi organismo y a lograr mi objetivo. Su acupuntura es una delicia !!!
Este plan que me propuso tendría una duración de 3-6 meses y decidí aceptarlo ya que siempre he sido creyente de que la naturaleza nos ofrece tantas alternativas para sanarnos a través de formas naturales sin necesidad de acudir a pastillas y tratamientos mas fuertes para nuestro cuerpo.
A mi me tomó un poco mas de lo estimado y a los 9 meses cuando empezaba a desesperarme y a querer buscar otras alternativas llegó mi bendición; me enteré que estaba embarazada!!! Gloria confirmó mi embarazo, tenia alrededor de 5-6 semanas y eso me puso FELIZ!!! Actualmente estoy en la mitad de mi embarazo y gracias a Dios hasta ahorita ha sido un embarazo muy sano y muy tranquilo.
Les recomiendo ampliamente darse la oportunidad de ir a conocer a Gloria, escuchar su propuesta, no se van a arrepentir y lo mejor de todo es que seguramente van a resolver lo que están buscando porque ella es buenísima, tiene mucho conocimiento, experiencia, una energía increíble y mucha paciencia.
Muchos saludos Gloria y gracias otra vez por ayudarme en ésta etapa de mi vida y en el proceso de mi embarazo. Besos con mucho cariño !!!" Ana P.
"I went to Gloria to get treated for PCOS and got so much more in the process. Gloria taught me about sugar and insulin management and about how to take care of myself holistically (body through nourishment and mind and soul through meditation and mastery over thoughts). She always took the time to listen and really became my teacher and trusted health coach. I always looked forward to my sessions with Gloria and now that I have moved to the west coast, I sorely miss her. I live in a city full of acupuncturists and nutritionists but haven't found anyone comparable. " Suparna M.
"I just wanted to let you know that after about a month and a half on a gluten free/sugar free diet and taking the supplements that you prescribed I am feeling much, much better! I still have a long way to go, but am feeling more like myself than I have all year. Just wanted to thank you so much for your help!" Corina K.
Words can't describe how grateful I am for all you have provided me with. I am so pleased with the results of my treatment. Finally, I can enjoy life without migraines!
Thank you so much for finding a new life for me.
Carol B
Migraines gone
“I went to Gloria who was introduced to me by my husband. I had migraine headaches and a bad back. I was helped so much by the acupuncture as well as injections in my back. I also had various minerals. It was not only the treatment that helped, but Gloria her self . She has a way about her that adds to the cure.
I have and will always recommend her.
Thank you for your concern.”
“I feel a lot of respect and gratitude for Mrs. Moreira's work. She has been able to help me with health issues that traditional medicine was not able to do.”
“Dear Dr. Gloria Moreira, MMSc, Dipl. Ac., L.Ac., ABAAHP
As I sit here staring at my son, Ace Cameron Smith (DOB 8/26/2013), I can’t help but think about the process my body went through with your love, guidance, and support to bring me to this moment.
In my late twenties I began to have severe fluctuations in bowl movements, rashes, and hair loss and was told that I had some type of autoimmune disease maybe arthritis maybe lupus. I was immediately placed on all kinds of steroids and immune suppressors and became socially and emotionally sick about being sick. At the same time I was a newly wed and ready to start a family but was advised to stay on birth control that I had already taken all through college for a “cure for bad cramps”.
Not once did any of the doctors ask me about my eating habits, stress levels, or exercise regimens. They just gave me more steroids and more follow-up appointments. After completing my Masters degree my husband and I were ready to start a family against doctors orders we were now in are early 30’s. We decided to say our prayers and trust in God. Well after miscarriages and nothing happening, I had to start wondering maybe they were right maybe we would not be blessed with children.
One day at work in the fall of 2011 I confided in a co-worker about my medical issues and fertility issues and she told me about Gloria. I immediately called and made the first appointment. Upon meeting Gloria I immediately connected with her and was committed to the plan we created together… cleanse my body, build up my nutrition, meditation, acupuncture, massages, and completely change my diet. My bowel movements became normal, I stopped grinding my teeth from stress, my rashes subsided, what hair loss? And my doctor could not believe my blood work was normal.
He stated I was in “remission” and I could wean off steroids. I was not in remission I was healed. No more fast food, microwave food, gluten, wheat, soda, dyes, sugars…my body finally purged all of this “YUCK”. My vitamin D levels went up, my skin was glowing from all the water, healthy eating and exercise! After Gloria helped build up my body it was time to work on my fertility issues… well check out the little guy below… I don’t need to say anything else! From the depth of my soul THANK YOU Gloria you are my ANGEL. Thank you for your knowledge, your empathy, and your overall pursuit to work with your patient’s to live a healthier life… mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and nutritionally.
Libby Smith … signing off to breast-feed!”
Magic needles
“Over the past 3 months I've come to believe that Gloria Moreira works magic with her tiny acupuncture needles! I didn't think that I would ever find the relief that I'm experiencing now.
My story is a common one in which my herniated L4-L5 disc causes low back pain and sciatica on my left leg, and the condition has continued to worsen year after year despite my best efforts at trying medical intervention and having been seen by a Neurologist, a Sports Medicine doctor, and Physical Therapists, and given medication that would only make me sicker. Thanks to Gloria's cousin, my coworker, who referred me to her to try Acupuncture, I finally decided to explore this less invasive procedure and it has helped me as well as the natural supplements I get from the Center.
Gloria is a caring professional who inspires compassion, confidence and trust. After the very first session I was amazed. After working with her for several months my former life is returning to me. I feel hopeful that I will regain my full mobility and again enjoy my running. I feel very fortunate to have been referred to and treated by Gloria Moreira. Her self-confidence is reassuring and her knowledge and skills are incredible! Thank you so much!!” - A.V.
actually worked
“Hi Gloria,
I am doing well. I am already 21 weeks and oh my god, it is going so fast. It is so crazy that a few weeks ago I was still afraid of not being able to hold the baby but thank God the baby is growing healthy. It is even crazier that I am pregnant. I am so thankful I found you and everything went perfect. I am so showing right now and starting to feel the baby (oh, we are having a boy) and I just can't wait to meet our baby.
Let me tell you, I love telling people how I met you and how I got pregnant following your treatments. Sometimes I still find myself not believing that I am pregnant....I meant we were trying for three years when I came to you and two months later with you, I am pregnant. I just love to tell people that natural treatments actually work.
Oh my god, let me tell you that I was constantly hungry at the beginning of my pregnancy and I gained more thant I wanted. But I can tell you that I am sort of back. I am back eating my organic lentils, organic eggs and what needs to be organic. I can tell you that I cheat but I try to pick and choose better food options. hehehhe
We are so happy and excited and we can't wait to meet our baby. I will be writing a nice comment on your page or facebook page but I haven't got to it. I want everyone to know that you helped us get pregnant!!!! Thank you for everything and hope everything is going well.” A.T.
the little bean
“Hi Gloria!
I wanted to thank you again for the wonderful gift you helped me receive! Words really can not express the gratitude I have for all the physical and emotional help you gave me to have my wonderful little boy! You have helped me in becoming a mom, and for that I am in completely indebted to you! After going through a year long emotionally draining process of infertility, with only devastating results and 30 pounds later, I really had no hope. I thought well if western medicine can't cure me, nothing can. Well I was WRONG! After only 3 months of seeing you, I felt healthier, more relaxed and with your help and the herbs, you did what no doctor for a year did, I GOT PREGNANT!!! And the little bean GREW and GREW! Gloria, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your friendship and your patience through my tears and frustration! See you soon... let's try for another little bean!!!.” - Tania D
back spasms
“Dr. Moreira treated my back spasms with acupuncture, cupping, and electrical stimulation and it worked great! The muscular spasms released and the pain disappeared, and I've become a believer in acupuncture.”
Francisco Framil
natural pregnancy
“I haven't seen you in a few months but I have to tell you that I've had my
baby. He is just beautiful. I still cannot believe he is here. I have to
thank you because after two failed IVF treatments, I turned to acupuncture to increase my chances on the third IVF. I never had the third IVF! Thanks to your help I got pregnant naturally and had a healthy baby boy and felt better than ever. My doctor had said it would never happen and it did! I tell all my friends, as you know because you treat a few of them.
Much gratitude and love,” - Maria
dream come true
“Dear Dr. Moreira,
I cannot express my gratitude for helping me when everyone else gave up on me. Thanks to you I have my healthy baby girl and a dream has come true for me and my husband.
God Bless You! “- Terry O
dos bellos hijos
“Las sesiones de acupuntura con la Dra. Gloria Moreira me ayudaron grandemente fisica y emocionalmente. Gracias a Dios y a el tratamiento efectivo de la Dra. pude quedar embarazada de mis dos bellos hijos.”
185 to 158
Just wanted to update you and say THANKS!!! I am now at 158lbs started at 185lbs and the best part of this is I went for my annual blood workup and my Cholesterol went from 218 last year to 186! any my triglycerides are at 55! Good Chol is 105 bad is only 70. My Doctor says FANTASTIC!! My liver functions are all normal. He says to keep up the good work.. I told him about the you and he is very happy with the results. Thank you again. I never thought my try to reach "Goal Pants" would ever be baggy!. I am so excited and feeling great! “- L.A
wedding dress
“In September 2008, I weighed 167 lbs and wore a size 14. I began eating healthy along with drinking near 2 liters of water daily "no carbonated drinks what so ever". I added thirty minutes of pilates, four days a week while my toddler was asleep. When Christmas arrived I was in a size 10. As usual I hit that plateau we all hate. Yesterday, I turned 29 and am now a size 6. That's not all either. My spouse and I will be married 10 yrs in August. Not only can I wear my wedding dress, but its way much bigger. Remember, we only have one life so lets enjoy it to our fullest. I wish you all the best of luck.” Deborah T.
little miracle
“Hello Gloria,
I'm not sure if you remember me, you treated me last year while I was going through my third round of IVF. I just wanted to give you an update and thank you for all you did in helping to give us our little miracle. Last we spoke, I was on bed rest with placenta previa and bleeding, and after kind of a difficult pregnancy we were blessed with a healthy baby boy. Attached is a picture. He is doing great and will be 4 months old tomorrow. He was born weighing 7 lbs 2 ounces and 20 inches long and is now up to 16 lbs and 27 inches - a big boy and growing fast! Again, thank you, we truly believe you played an important role in our being able to finally have our little boy. Hope you are doing well. - Sincerely” - J & R
Light at the end of the Tunnel
high school reunion
best acupuncture
“I did ivf/icsi in 2006. I was 38 years old and tried acupuncture as an addition to my conventional treatment. Dr. Moreira's role was crucial during the process. I always remember her positive attitude and kind words during the acupuncture sessions. I got pregnant with my first ivf/icsi cycle. I had a healthy baby boy. I firmly believe that the acupuncture sessions helped me to achieve my dream of becoming a mother. Thanks Dr. Moreira for all your support. - HR”
“I would like to take this opportunity to commend Dr. Gloria.
She has been the light at the end of the tunnel of my life with autoimmune disorders .
Since I started being treated by her I have seen the improvement in my health and a great understanding of my situation.
Not only she treats you, she also educates you on everything that's going on therefore making you part of the healing process.
She is so knowledgeable and caring. Always available to accommodate your needs.
I'm in Broward county and it's well worthy to make the trip to Miami with my kids having to wait in the car while I see her.
I've been to many Drs. But I consider her more than that, she is a true *CAREGIVER*
I wish many blessings to her!!!! Laura D.”
“I am grateful to Dr. Moreira for helping me lose the weight I wanted to lose before by 20th high school reunion. I went back home to Illinois and was only 10 lbs more than I was in high scool. I lost a total of 42 lbs and have not gained anything back since last year. I also feel better than I have in years. The acupuncture and hypnosis was very relaxing and I enjoyed the process! Kathy M.”
“Best Acupuncture, meditation and natural supplements place there is! Gloria Moreira has the gift of healing with the use of only homeopathic supplements and Chinese herbal medicine. Vanessa S.”