Herbs have been used in medicine for as long as people have been on earth. The use of herbal therapies has been recorded in ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome, India, Russia, and China. Many modern medicines came from Native American remedies. There are many examples of drugs used today that are from plants. They may come from the plant’s leaves, roots, flowers or fruits. Digoxin is a good example of a drug that comes from a plant source. Digoxin is used to treat problems with heart rhythms or heart failure. Psyllium, the ingredient in Metamucil© used to add fiber to a patient’s diet, is also a natural product.
Herbs are available in tablets, capsules or tinctures and are made of both concentrates, extracts and raw herbal ingredients under strict standards of quality control. Some herbal formulas act quickly to fight a cold, stop bleeding, regulate digestion, eliminate bloating, or relieve constipation, while others work more slowly over time to support your system.
I can customize an herbal formula tailored to your specific needs. This is done by completing the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, then ordering your formula - I will compound a unique hebal tincture formula (8oz - lasts about three months), a freeze-dried granulated formula, or a pre-mixed (patent) formula to address the specific symptoms in your health evaluation. Call us today 954-501-2208