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We offer holistic approaches backed by evidence-based medicine and natural science for clients with Diabetes.

Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is a condition that makes the body unable to properly use or produce a hormone called insulin. This deficiency causes high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood and urine.


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Functional Holistic Support for Diabetes

We offer holistic approaches backed by evidence-based medicine and natural science for clients with Diabetes.

There are several types of diabetes, and Type 2 diabetes is the most common form. People of all ages can get type 2 diabetes, and rates have been increasing in recent years. Those with diabetes can control their blood sugar with nutrition, lifestyle modifications, and oral medication. For people with particularly elevated glucose readings, it may be necessary to take insulin and other injections to manage the disease. Complications from uncontrolled diabetes typically include eye problems, kidney issues, and foot ulcers.

A holistic approach to diabetes begins at home with nutrition and lifestyle modifications and proper blood glucose monitoring. Since the severity of diabetes can vary over time, we can advise you about appropriate nutritional changes for your stage. Generally, these changes include limiting added sugars and sweets, cutting down on salt and saturated fat, and adjusting your carbohydrate intake. We can help monitor your carbohydrates and carbohydrate exchanges, and will suggest the most appropriate number of carbohydrates for your needs. Adopting an exercise regime can help your body become more sensitive to insulin, lowering your glucose readings and possibly reducing your need for medication and injections. Incorporating activities like brisk walking, gardening, and even vacuuming and other household chores into your day can make a difference. Monitoring your blood glucose levels can help you plan meals and avoid episodes of severely high or dangerously low glucose. Since diabetes is a chronic condition with no known cure, holistic support is one of the better approaches.


Using a holistic approach to your diabetes management enables you to live a full life and reduces your risk of complications from the disease. You’ll be more attentive to changes in your body including any vision changes or ulcers, and this will motivate you to get prompt helpdia before issues become severe. By being proactive with meal planning, exercise, and glucose monitoring, you may even be able to control your glucose without the need for prescription medication, and this can save a lot of money. A holistic approach protects your general health as well, reducing your risk of illness and lowering your stress levels.


Diabetes symptoms are determined with a fasting blood glucose test. Performed by our health coaches, this test measures your blood glucose level after you have fasted overnight. A reading of more than 125 is required to diagnose diabetes. If necessary, this test may be repeated. Another blood test, the A1C test, provides an average of your blood glucose over the past eight to twelve weeks.

We help you find the root cause and work to improve your lifestyle with natural remedies fully backed by science.

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Natural, Modern Science Solutions to Metabolic Syndrome

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Holistic Support for Metabolic Syndrome

A holistic approach is best for helping heal symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Weight loss, a healthier diet, exercise and sleep can all help controlling the symptoms of metabolic syndrome.


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Natural Metabolic Syndrome Solutions in pembroke pines

Metabolic syndrome involves a range of symptoms that can include high blood pressure, high blood glucose, obesity, large waist circumference, and high cholesterol. This condition can raise the risk of heart disease and stroke. We take a closer look at Metabolic Syndrome symptoms through routine tests, and clients with the condition should have regular checkups to monitor their health. Lifestyle changes such as weight loss, eating a healthier diet, doing regular exercise, and getting enough sleep can all help with symptom control. Implementing healthy stress management techniques is important for clients with this syndrome as well. In some cases, medication may be necessary.

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Since metabolic syndrome includes a cluster of related symptoms, a holistic approach could be most effective for helping and even possibly reversing these symptoms. A natural approach for this condition usually begins with lifestyle alteration alone. Diet and exercise would be the foundation of any holistic approach. For example, switching to a diet that includes more plant-based, whole foods like avocados, oats, bananas, and lentils could help lower inflammation levels throughout the body, making it easier to lose weight and lowering cholesterol and blood sugar. Doing at least 150 minutes each week of moderate or vigorous aerobic exercise, including brisk walking and swimming, can help make the body more responsive to insulin and drop blood glucose. Getting a healthy amount of sleep can allow diet and exercise to function optimally and helps with overall health. Learning healthy methods of coping with stress, including doing a hobby or meditating, can further improve symptom control.

What are the Benefits of Holistic Control Over Metabolic Syndrome?

A holistic approach focusing on lifestyle modifications can help reduce or avoid the need for prescription medication. Since metabolic syndrome includes so many symptoms, those who use medication often need multiple prescriptions which can be very expensive. A holistic approach allows the you to be proactive in managing your condition, and this may potentially keep symptoms from reaching severe levels. The symptoms of metabolic syndrome are closely intertwined; thus, even the smallest holistic changes can have a significant impact on disease progression.

Support and Tests for Metabolic Syndrome

Many of the tests for metabolic syndrome form part of a routine physical examination and standard laboratory workup. If you are concerned that you may have metabolic syndrome, our health coaches can provide support, and design your plan to a healthier you. Lipid panels and blood glucose tests are used to screen for and monitor high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, and diabetes. Body mass index (BMI) figures and waist circumference measurements can be useful in determining body composition and addressing obesity. Blood pressure measurements are considered standard vital signs and are taken at every office visit.

All of these markers can be altered with lifestyle changes, so it’s important to have your numbers rechecked regularly to monitor your progress. If you are pre-diabetic or diabetic, our health coaches can advise you on how to obtain blood glucose testing materials for use at home. Weight and body fat percentage can be tracked with many types of bathroom scales, and several styles of blood pressure monitors are available directly to consumers. Knowing your numbers can help you and our team of health coaches make decisions on appropriate lifestyle and medication adjustments.

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