12 Days of Gentle Self-Care: Nurturing Your Well-being During the Holidays

The holiday season,

while festive and heartwarming, can also be a challenging time, especially for those managing chronic illnesses.

It's essential to prioritize self-care to ensure you enjoy this special time of the year without compromising your health. Here's a 12-day self-care guide tailored for those with chronic conditions, embracing rest, joy, and self-compassion.

Day 1: Guided Relaxation

Ease into your self-care journey with a guided relaxation or meditation session. This can be as simple as listening to a soothing voice leading you through a calming visualization, helping to reduce stress and pain levels. I love the technique of writing down affirmations that resonate with you and then recording them in your own voice to listen to - the best times are before bed and upon waking.

Day 2: A Scenic Drive or Walk

If a nature walk isn't feasible, consider a scenic drive. Enjoy the beauty of the season from the comfort of your car, perhaps with a favorite podcast or music. Or you can watch the sunset/sunrise from a nearby viewpoint.

Day 3: Nourishing Meals

Cook or order a nourishing meal that fuels your body and delights your taste buds. Focus on foods that cater to your dietary needs and bring you comfort. Organic bone broth is my secret ingredient that I add to just about everything I cook. it’s great to heal the gut-lining and for immune function.

Day 4: Connect with Loved Ones

Reach out to a friend or family member for a heartwarming chat. If energy allows, consider a video call to feel even closer. Hearing a loved ones voice can be nurturing and soothing.

Day 5: Express Gratitude

Reflect on the aspects of your life that bring you joy and jot them down. Gratitude can be a powerful tool in shifting focus from pain to positivity. Either think about or make a list of even the smallest things that can bring you joy.

Day 6: Gentle Yoga or Stretching

Engage in gentle yoga or stretching exercises tailored to your ability. This can help reduce muscle stiffness and boost your mood. Stretching in water is even easier and can allow you to do more.

Day 7: Cozy Reading Time

Curl up with a good book or an audiobook. Let yourself travel through stories, which can be a wonderful escape and relaxation method. If you are dealing with depression, read an uplifting story of hope or a self-help book.

Day 8: Soothing Bath or Shower

Indulge in a warm bath or shower, perhaps with scented bath oils or a favorite shower gel. Water can be therapeutic for both the body and mind. Adding Epsom salts can be anti-inflammatory and a great source of magnesium.

Day 9: Mindful Breathing

Spend a few minutes practicing mindful breathing. This can help regulate your body's response to stress and improve oxygen flow. The two breathing techniques I use are the 3-6 and the 4-4. The 3-6 is simply inhaling for the count of 3 and exhaling for the count of 6. This one you can do anywhere, anytime and the more you do it, the more the health benefits. Box breath, or 4x4, requires a bit more focus. This is a practice of inhaling for the count of 4, holding for the count of 4, exhaling for the count of 4 and exhaling for the count of 4. This breath helps put you in a meditative or mindful state.

Day 10: Creative Hobby

Dedicate some time to a hobby that brings you joy, whether it's knitting, flower-arranging, drawing, or crafting. Creativity can be a great outlet for expressing yourself and managing stress.

Day 11: Listen to Music

Create a playlist of songs that lift your spirits and spend some time just listening, singing along, or even gently moving to the rhythm. If you play a musical instrument, take some time and express yourself.

Day 12: Reflect and Plan

End your 12 days of self-care by reflecting on what activities made you feel the best. Plan to incorporate these into your regular routine to continue nurturing your well-being beyond the holiday season. You can also continue to add self-care experiments of your choosing to see what works for you.

This 12-day self-care journey is about honoring your body's needs, embracing moments of joy, and managing your energy levels. Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's a crucial part of managing chronic illness, especially during the demanding holiday season.